Messages + Inbox


If you click on this Inbox, it gives you all of your alerts. So if there's any activity in your feed, whether you've been mentioned in a TikTok or someone commented on one of your TikToks, or you've got new followers, that is all found under the inbox tab. And you'll see at the top that if you click on the all activity, it will give you a down menu and you can sort by just likes, and you can see who's liked your videos. You can just click on comments and it will show you just the comments. You can click on just the mentions and it'll show you just where you were mentioned on a TikTok.

And that's really helpful to see where you've been tagged, if someone's trying to call your attention to something. And as you grow a following, your followers will tend to tag you in other videos. So that's a really handy place to find who's talking to you and how they're trying to engage with you. I have Q&A on my TikTok because that feature is available to me. I don't know that everybody has that feature just yet. So just be mindful that that might be something that may not appear on yours. This will also show you who started following you, if you click on followers. And on the very bottom, you'll get your messages from TikTok. So if one of your videos got muted for the audio, if you used audio that you weren't allowed to use or if you had language that was inappropriate or something like that, you will get a message from TikTok and it will come up here and it'll tell you exactly what you did wrong. And it'll let you know what are the next steps. Messages from TikTok can be found right there.

If you click on this icon, these are your Direct Messages. And you can message directly with people who you are following and they are following you back. So this is a place where you can communicate with other followers and you'll see here, I have message requests. And that means these people, I'm not following them and they're trying to message me. So I have to click on them and accept in order for them to message me directly. If you want to send a message, you can click the plus. You can search for your follower, and then you can send them a direct message. Direct messaging is a little tricky because if your account does not have a phone number attached, you won't be able to use it to direct message.

 If you have more than one TikTok account and you want to be able to direct message from it, and you have your phone number attached to your first TikTok account, you can simply get a Google phone number so that you can have a phone number attached to your second TikTok account, unless you have a second cell phone available. 

Once you've created a TikTok, some people have the option to add Captions. So if you have that option, you'll see it right here. And all you need to do is after your TikTok is recorded, you click this caption button, it will automatically generate the closed captions, which will appear on the bottom of your TikTok. And you can go through and you can edit, if it didn't get it right, if it did a word wrong because of your pronunciation, or if there's something you want to change about the caption. So that's a really fun feature of TikTok. Not everyone has it yet, but hopefully it's rolling out to the masses because that's a really handy one.

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